Rainy Day Eggs

I should be writing. I should be sorting out my house. Lots of “shoulds.” But I don’t feel like doing any of it on this rainy and windy day.

Some of you know I love to carve pumpkins:

I get slightly obsessed with projects and can’t seem to stop. “It could be better.” “Oh, THAT would be cool!” You get the jist.

But now, in the time of Covid, I am taking a more relaxed approach. Just wing it and see how it goes. Sometimes this space is where I become the most creative.

Anyway, here is my rainy day project: Batik Eggs.

  1. Blow out the egg (I use a small drill bit.)
  2. Melt wax.
  3. Use brushes, string, stamps, etc. to paint anything you would like to stay white.
  4. Dip the egg in the lightest color.
  5. Repeat the process of waxing and then dying. Drying the egg after each dip. Build to the darkest color.
  6. When you think you are done, place the egg in the micro for a few secs just until the wax softens and begins to melt. (This is the best part; the reveal!)
  7. Take your egg out and wipe it free of wax. It will be glossy and the colors will pop!
  8. If you want, you can Modge Podge the egg to preserve it.


On the writing front, I am nearly finished with Crazy for the Countess, and I am working on Daft for the Duke. Better get to it!

Take care all, wash hands, stay close-but-distant, and

Try Something New!

About jessrussellromance

Award winning romance writer.
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